For a project inspired by another artist, I made and described these portraits. I chose artist Shirin Neshat. She is best known for her photo and video work, which I am very interested in. In her art she emphasizes contrasts between Islam and the West, masculinity and femininity, public and private, antiquity and modernity, and bridging the distance between these subjects. These subjects often recur in my design work. This image is about the concept of 'femininity', what that means for a person and how you can carry it with you. The text says something about the character of the portrait.
The text on the left is about my friendship with Kim. How she misses her younger self and often doesn't feel well. It's about being vulnerable to others, daring to show yourself. The text on the right is about looking back at photos. Also missing your younger self, but in the way that there were fewer expectations then. How to present yourself to the rest, to people who have expectations of you. Starting to fulfill social roles and the feeling of wanting to go back to the past.
I like being able to connect words to what I make, even though I sometimes find this difficult. I think writing is a very good way to convey a feeling.