I'm very interested in identity and faces, this keeps coming back. I decided that I wanted to do something with this, let people choose a piece of the outfit for themselves.
I also wanted to try and experiment with new techniques. I decided to make hair scarves, all different designs that would say something about the person in the photo. I also like photography very much.
I started by dyeing pieces of fabric. Those are the plain and tie-dyed scarves in purple, dark pink and black. I also embroidered several fabrics with the embroidery machine, a simple recurring floral motif, the stitching was not properly colored. I really like that effect. I also made several patchwork scarves. For example, old blouses, old remains and checks. I also spraypainted some scarves. Not all experiments have been successful. I had made shapes and sprayed over them, but this didn't quite work. In a golden cloth I put a net over the fabric, this gave a nice effect. I also crocheted a cloth.
I also wanted to print, sublimate fabrics. I decided to design scarves myself and convert them in this way. I also decided to make statement scarves, such as a BLM scarf, the gay flag, a self-portrait and two feminist scarves. The sketches are below. I digitally drew the drawings on the bottom myself.

I was very curious about what the choice of the particular scarf would say about the person. And how this person would choose, what the choice was based on. I wanted to start the conversation. See how the models would influence each other or not. The outfit that was common to everyone was a large denim shirt dress. Denim is very accessible and inclusive. I made this one from two colors of denim. I decided that the dress also needed a high collar to let the outfit show through in the photos. The dress would fit everyone and look different on everyone. The way in which the hair cloth was put on also says a lot about that person.
I have used many different types of people as models. With many choices, I must say that this one was not entirely unexpected. I had already predicted it a bit. This was less the case with the children, that choice was made fairly quickly and quite unpredictably. I noticed that some people were very creative with the way of the scarf, others immediately had the idea of how they wanted the scarf. This was very nice to see, many own ways, which I had not thought of beforehand. The scarf chosen said a lot about the person in question.
You can see the results bellow in the portraits.